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Energy-Saving Tips For Efficient Air Conditioner Repair In Lockport

As temperatures rise in Lockport, ensuring that your air conditioner is in peak working condition becomes crucial for maintaining comfort while controlling energy costs. While air conditioner repair in Lockport might sometimes be necessary, you can adopt several energy-saving practices to ensure your system operates efficiently and effectively. This comprehensive guide will explore energy-saving tips that enhance your air conditioner’s performance and contribute to lower energy bills and a more sustainable environment.

1. Regular Maintenance and Tune-Ups For Air Conditioner Repair in Lockport

Routine maintenance is the foundation of an efficiently operating air conditioning system. Schedule regular professional tune-ups to ensure all components are clean, lubricated, and optimally functioning. Regular maintenance can identify minor issues before they escalate into major problems, ultimately reducing the need for extensive repairs and improving overall energy efficiency.

2. Clean or Replace Air Filters

Air filters are crucial in maintaining indoor air quality and ensuring your air conditioner’s efficiency. Dirty or clogged filters restrict airflow, causing your system to work harder to cool your space. Regularly cleaning or replacing air filters can significantly improve energy efficiency by allowing your air conditioner to operate easily and effectively.

3. Optimal Thermostat Settings

Adjusting your thermostat settings can have a substantial impact on your energy consumption. Set your thermostat to the highest comfortable temperature during the warmer months, ideally around 78 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’re away from home, consider raising the temperature slightly or utilizing programmable thermostats to adjust settings during peak energy-demand hours automatically.

4. Seal and Insulate

Proper insulation and sealing of your home are pivotal in maintaining indoor temperatures and reducing the strain on your air conditioner. Inspect windows, doors, and any gaps in your home’s structure to ensure no drafts or leaks allow cool air to escape and warm air to enter. Proper insulation can keep your home cooler and reduce the workload on your air conditioning system.

5. Utilize Ceiling Fans and Ventilation

Ceiling fans can complement your air conditioner’s efforts by distributing cooled air more effectively throughout your space. Utilize ceiling fans in occupied rooms to help maintain a comfortable temperature without relying solely on your air conditioner. Additionally, consider utilizing natural ventilation during cooler evenings by opening windows and allowing fresh air to circulate.

6. Consider Energy-Efficient Upgrades

If your air conditioner is nearing the end of its lifespan, investing in an energy-efficient model can provide significant long-term benefits. Energy-efficient air conditioners are designed to use less energy while providing the same level of cooling comfort. Look for systems with high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings for optimal energy savings.

7. Professional Air Conditioner Repair In Lockport

When your air conditioner requires repair, it’s essential to seek the expertise of professionals who specialize in air conditioner repair in Lockport. DIY repairs or hiring inexperienced technicians can lead to further inefficiencies and higher energy consumption. A qualified technician can diagnose issues accurately, perform repairs efficiently, and ensure that your air conditioner operates at its best.


Efficient air conditioner operation doesn’t just ensure comfort—it’s a step towards energy conservation and cost savings. By adopting these energy-saving tips, you can maximize the performance of your air conditioning system, reduce energy consumption, and contribute to a more sustainable environment. Regular maintenance, optimal thermostat settings, proper insulation, and professional air conditioner repair in Lockport are key elements in achieving an energy-efficient home cooling system. By taking proactive steps and being mindful of your energy consumption, you can enjoy a comfortable indoor environment while promoting responsible energy usage.

The Importance Of Regular Air Conditioner Service In Lockport

Welcome to Lockport, where the summers can be scorching and relentless. If you’re a resident here, you know just how important it is to have a reliable air conditioner by your side. But did you know that simply having an AC unit isn’t enough? Regular air conditioner service is crucial to ensure its efficiency and longevity.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of regular AC service and why it should be on every Lockport resident’s priority list. We’ll also discuss when to schedule a servicing appointment, and the signs indicating your air conditioner needs some TLC. So grab a cool beverage, sit back, and let’s dive into the world of air conditioner service in Lockport!

The Benefits of Regular AC Service

Regular AC service offers many benefits beyond keeping you cool during the scorching Lockport summers. The first and most obvious advantage is improved energy efficiency. When your air conditioner is properly serviced, it operates at peak performance, consuming less energy to achieve the desired temperature in your home.

Another benefit of regular AC service is enhanced indoor air quality. Over time, dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate within your system’s filters and ducts. These contaminants are circulated throughout your home when the AC runs, potentially triggering allergies or respiratory issues. Regularly servicing your unit removes these pollutants, ensuring cleaner and healthier air for you and your loved ones.

Regular maintenance also helps extend the lifespan of your air conditioner. Proper care and attention can significantly prolong its longevity like any other mechanical device. During a routine service appointment, technicians inspect various system components for any signs of wear or damage that could lead to bigger problems down the line.

Furthermore, regular AC service can save you money on costly repairs in the long run.
By catching minor issues early on through regular inspections, you prevent them from escalating into major breakdowns that require expensive repairs or replacements.

Addressing small problems promptly saves you money and avoids unnecessary discomfort during the most sweltering summer days when you need reliable cooling.

In addition to these tangible benefits, there’s something intangible about having peace of mind, knowing that your air conditioner has been thoroughly inspected, cleaned, and optimized by professionals.
You can rest easy knowing that it will keep humming along smoothly throughout.
the hottest summer months without skipping a beat.

So next time you’re considering an Air conditioner service in Lockport, remember all these incredible advantages: improved energy efficiency, better indoor air quality, extended lifespan of your unit, and potential savings on repair costs. Stay cool and comfortable by making regular AC service a priority.

When to Get Air Conditioner Service in Lockport

When it comes to air conditioner service in Lockport, timing is everything. Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your AC unit running smoothly and efficiently. But how do you know when to schedule a service appointment? Here are a few signs that indicate it’s time to give your air conditioner some TLC.

If your AC isn’t cooling your home as effectively as it used to, it could be a sign of an issue with the system. Various factors, such as clogged filters or low refrigerant levels, can cause reduced cooling capacity. A professional AC service can help identify and fix these issues before they lead to more significant problems.

Strange noises from your air conditioner indicate that it needs servicing. Unusual sounds like grinding, squealing, or banging could mean the system has loose parts or worn-out components. Ignoring these noises can result in more extensive damage down the line.

If you’ve noticed an increase in energy bills without changing usage patterns, this could be another sign of an inefficient air conditioning system. Over time, dust and debris can accumulate on the AC unit’s coils and other internal components, reducing its efficiency and increasing energy consumption.

Scheduling regular AC service at least once a year is recommended, even if you have not noticed any specific issues with your system. Preventive maintenance helps catch minor problems early on before they escalate into major repairs or breakdowns during hot summer days when you most need cool air.

By being proactive about getting regular AC service in Lockport when needed (and sometimes even when not), you’ll ensure that your air conditioning system keeps you comfortable all season long!

The Signs of a Dirty Air Conditioner

A functioning air conditioner is essential for keeping your home cool and comfortable during the hot summer. But did you know that regular maintenance and service are crucial for ensuring that your AC unit continues to work efficiently? One of the signs that your air conditioner may need servicing is if it becomes dirty.

A dirty air conditioner can impact its performance and the quality of the air circulating in your home. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate on your AC unit’s filters, coils, and other components over time. This build-up restricts airflow and reduces its ability to cool effectively. As a result, you may notice that your AC isn’t cooling as well as it used to or takes longer to reach the desired temperature.

In addition to reduced cooling capacity, a dirty air conditioner can lead to poor indoor air quality. Dust and allergens accumulate in the system and circulate throughout your home whenever you turn on the AC. This can worsen allergies or respiratory issues for those living in your household.

Another sign of a dirty air conditioner is an increase in energy consumption. When airflow is restricted due to dirt build-up, your AC has to work harder and consume more energy to cool down the space properly. As a result, you may see higher utility bills without any change in usage patterns.

Regular air conditioner service is essential for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your cooling system. By scheduling routine maintenance with a professional technician, you can ensure that your AC operates at its best and provides optimal comfort in your Lockport home.


Knowing when to get an air conditioner serviced is crucial for keeping it running smoothly throughout the year. Generally speaking, it’s recommended to schedule professional servicing at least once a year. The best time for this would be before summer begins so you’ll know if there are any problems beforehand.

However, there are certain signs indicating that immediate attention may be required. If you notice reduced airflow from vents, unusual noises coming from the unit, foul odors emanating from the ducts or around the system itself, frequent cycling on and off, or inconsistent cooling throughout your home, these could be indicators that your AC needs servicing.

In these cases, scheduling a service appointment with a reliable HVAC company in Lockport as soon as possible is best. Regularly taking care of your AC unit can prolong its lifespan and allow you to enjoy reliable cooling all season!

What Are The Benefits Of Having A Trustworthy AC Repair Company?

Almost half of all the homes in the US have an air conditioning unit installed, and almost all of them will eventually require AC repair. People often think they can repair their AC unit on their own, but they should never fall for that temptation. Are you wondering why? Working with a professional AC repair company will offer numerous benefits.

This blog will discuss the benefits of relying on a trustworthy air conditioning repair company. 

They Have Experience With AC Repairs

Hiring a person with no background in AC repair can lead to more significant issues down the line as they are inexperienced. On the other hand, an expert will be able to resolve the problem efficiently and quickly. So, there is no reason to worry about being uncomfortable or facing the issue anytime soon.

They Always Have The AC Parts On Hand

Even though AC parts seem to last for a long time, they require the air conditioning systems to be repaired if a part has worn out or broken. When you hire an AC repair company, they are likely to have many parts that your AC unit may require already. This will allow them to complete the work quickly and effectively.

They Are Licensed And Insured

Hiring a licensed and insured individual helps ensure that you won’t be financially liable if something goes wrong during the process of AC repair. For example, a qualified AC technician has proven to be knowledgeable about their field’s ins and outs by passing a series of tests. However, if you employ someone without insurance or a license, your homeowner’s insurance may not be able to pay for any losses if something goes wrong while the repair is in process.

They Always Stick To The Industry Standards

Hiring someone experienced implies they have the knowledge, training, and competence necessary to execute the task right the first time. This is exceptionally crucial when you’re dealing with a new type of AC unit or brand.

They Offer Warranties And Guarantees

It’s a positive sign if an AC technician is prepared to stand behind their work. The AC repair company should provide warranties on components and labor and a guarantee against defective equipment installation or AC repairs for at least 30 days following the completion of the service.

They Can Repair Units And Parts You Didn’t Even Know Were Damaged

While hiring a professional may not always be the least expensive option, they might identify hidden issues with your system that are costing you in terms of performance.

They Will Help Your AC Unit Perform Efficiently

Hiring a professional is the best course of action if you want to reduce your cooling costs. An expert will examine your appliance and recommend any repairs required to ensure long-term performance efficiency.

They Can Clean Your AC Unit Properly

An expert can visit your home, disassemble your system to clean it, then reassemble it. Checking your filter at least once every month during months with high usage is recommended. It should be replaced if it appears to be unclean. Regardless of the weather, you should change the filter at least every three months since a clogged filter can restrict airflow and make the system work harder to regulate the temperature, which results in wasting energy.

They Are Aware Of How To Handle An Emergency

Sometimes issues arise at inconvenient moments; this is particularly true in the summer when all you want to do is cool off in front of an air conditioner. Having an individual on call or available right away means that they can offer fast assistance if your cooling or heating system breaks down in the middle of the summer.

Get in touch with Winters Heating & Cooling if you are looking for the best air conditioner maintenance service in Lockport, IL.

All About Air Conditioning Service In Lockport

Maintenance on an air conditioner’s filters, coils, and fins is essential to keeping the unit running smoothly and effectively for its entire lifespan. If you don’t do the necessary maintenance, your air conditioner will worsen and use more energy. If you want the best air conditioner repair service in Lockport, IL do visit Winters Heating And Cooling.

Filters For Air Conditioners

AC Filters

The most important thing you can do to keep your air conditioner running well is to change or clean its filters regularly. Filters that are clogged or dirty reduce the amount of airflow and make a system much less efficient. Also, if the airflow is blocked, air can go around the filter and put dirt on the evaporator coil, reducing the coil’s ability to absorb heat. When you switch out a dirty, clogged filter for a clean one, your air conditioner will use 5% to 15% less energy.

Most central air conditioners have filters along the return duct’s length. Most air conditioners have filters in the walls, ceilings, or the unit itself. Room air conditioners have a filter attached to the grill that faces into the room. We provide air conditioning services in Lockport, Illinois for the whole locality.

Some filters can be used more than once, while others have to be replaced. There are different kinds and levels of how well they work. During the cooling season, you should clean or replace the filter(s) in your air conditioner every month or two. Filters may need to be changed more often if the air conditioner is always on, is in a dusty place, or if you have pets with fur in the house.

Coils for An Air Conditioner

Broken AC

Over months and years of use, an air conditioner’s evaporator and condenser coil get dirty. The evaporator coil won’t get dirty as quickly if the filter is clean. The evaporator coil will still get dirty over time, though. This dirt makes it harder for air to flow through and insulates the ring, which makes it less able to absorb heat. Check your evaporator coil annually and clean it as needed to avoid this problem.

Outdoor condenser coils can also get very dirty if it is dusty outside or there is a lot of plant life nearby. You can easily see the condenser coil and notice if dirt is building up on its fins.

It would help if you kept the area around the condenser unit as clean as possible. Dirt and debris can come from your dryer vents, the leaves that fall off your trees, and your lawn mower. Cleaning the area around the coil, removing trash, and cutting plants by at least 2 feet (0.6 meters) will allow enough airflow around the condenser.

Wrap Fins

Coils: The aluminum fins on the evaporator and condenser coils are easy to bend, stopping air from moving through the loop. Wholesalers of air conditioning sell a tool called a “fin comb” that can be used to comb these fins back to almost their original shape.

Condensate Drains

Run a stiff wire through the unit’s drain channels every so often. If a unit’s drain channels are clogged, it can’t reduce humidity, and the extra moisture can stain walls or carpets.

Room Air Conditioner Window Seals

At the beginning of each cooling season, check the seal between the air conditioner and the window frame to ensure it touches the unit’s metal case. This seal can be broken by moisture, letting cool air out of your house.

Getting Ready For Winter

Cover your room air conditioner or take it out and put it away for the winter. If you put a cover over the outdoor unit of a central air conditioner, it will be safe from snow and other debris during the winter.

Professional AC Service Technician

Hire a professional service technician when your air conditioner needs more than just regular maintenance, like when it doesn’t bring the temperature inside down to a comfortable level. A well-trained technician will find and fix your air conditioner’s problems.

The AC Mechanic Should:

  • Check that there is the right amount of coolant.
  • Use a leak detector to check for leaks of refrigerant.
  • Capture any refrigerant that needs to be drained from the system instead of illegally letting it escape into the air.
  • Check for and fix duct leaks in central systems.
  • Check how much air is moving through the evaporator coil.
  • Check that the electric controls are in the correct order and that the heating and cooling systems can’t be on simultaneously.
  • Check electric terminals, clean and tighten connections, and add a non-conductive coating if needed-oil motors and check belts for tightness and wear.
  • Check how well the thermostat works.

Do visit Winters Heating and Cooling in Lockport, IL for the best air conditioning repair service in a nearby location.

How To Make Your Air Conditioner Ready For Summer?

Without a properly functioning air conditioner, the summer’s sweltering heat is something you do not want to experience. Moreover, it helps ensure your air conditioning unit is in top shape before summer arrives. Waiting to examine your AC system and perform maintenance until you actually need it will be frustrating, inconvenient, and uncomfortable. Continue reading to find some quick steps to prepare your air conditioner for summer.

Make sure to change filters

A fresh, clean filter keeps your system operating more efficiently and improves the quality of the air inside your house. It is recommended to change your filter around once a month if you use your air conditioner consistently. A filter replacement is also advised if your machine has been in storage for several months, leading to dust accumulation during that time.

Clean condensation lines

It is recommended to change your filter around once a month if you use your AC consistently. Replacement of a filter is also advised if your machine has been in storage for several months, leading to the accumulation of dust during that time. A fresh, clean filter not only keeps your system operating more efficiently but also improves the quality of the air inside your house.

Cleaning the outer unit is important

If you keep your air conditioner operating during the off-season without covering the outer unit, it will be exposed to the weather and will gather dust with time. You may ensure that this dirt is not fouling up the external unit’s internal processes by lightly spraying the outer coils with water from a hose. In cases of severe dirt buildup, you can get commercial AC cleaning from a hardware shop.

Check the ducts

You should clean out the ductwork in your home just like you do your air conditioner for the benefit of your indoor air quality. Leaks in ducts are a regular occurrence. Make sure to seal any exposed joints or tiny holes if you notice them.

We hope you now know the tips prepare your air conditioner for the summer. Contact Winters Heating & Cooling if you are looking for top-quality air conditioner maintenance service in Lockport, IL.

At What Time An Air Conditioner Should Be Serviced?

Many people are not aware of the air conditioner or how often an air conditioner should be serviced. But no worries Winter heating and Cooling in Lockport have come up with a detailed answer in this blog.

Twice A Year !!

Generally speaking, an AC holds a bit of wiggle room. Your Air conditioner requires service twice a year. One in Fall and the other in Spring. A well-serviced air conditioner works smoothly and doesn’t cheat you on hot and humid days.

Are you also among the ones who don’t think about servicing their air conditioners for a year and then crib about the functionality in the summers? Ask your technician to tune up with their scheduled checkups.

What Does An Air Conditioner Service Include?

Now you might be confused with the thing that what an AC service includes. Many things contribute to the efficiency and lifespan of your air conditioner.

For instance, your technician will lubricate the parts in your AC to ensure that they’re operating smoothly. In addition, he or she will clean parts to ensure that they’re functioning properly.

Electricity and airflow will be gauged as well. If something is amiss, the AC specialist will tell you as soon as possible.

All of the air conditioner’s parts will be examined properly by the technician, from the blower to the condenser to the ductwork. Refrigerant levels will be checked as well. Your condensate drain is another spot that frequently clogs in the spring and fall because air conditioners typically aren’t running as often and it’s easy for mold and gunk to build up faster than you’d think. Your AC technician will also take a look at your thermostat to ensure that its air conditioner is curated and communicates well with your AC unit. If necessary, he or she will take measures to re-program it.

In short, you can expect a clear examination of your air conditioners by technicians every year before you use them.

Few Tips For Air Conditioner Maintenance

Apart from the air conditioner services, there is a lot more that you should do to keep your air conditioner maintained.

  • Keep changing the AC Filter
    You must keep changing air filters so that your air conditioners don’t fair conditioner the problems of residue in the air conditioners. To let your air conditioner work properly change the filter every three months and if you have pets at home then the requirement to change the filter increases.
  • Keep An Eye on Your vents
    The air created by the AC goes through these pipes to get to various rooms inside your home. It then, at that point, blows through vents that are mounted on dividers or situated on roofs or floors.
    Watch out for your vents and watch for any development of form. This could be brought about by overabundance of stickiness, and you’ll need to deal with that since shape can develop rapidly. On the off chance that you don’t know what to do, HVAC experts can investigate it for you.
  • Keep The Condenser Clean
    To limit the opportunity of blow air conditioners, you ought to make a point to keep the region around your condenser clear. Keep 5 feet of freedom on every one of its sides and guarantee that the trees and supports in its vicinity are appropriately managed. That will likewise make it less alluring to critters.


Now when you have your answer to the question that how often you should get your AC serviced, it’s high time you call your nearby technician who can examine your air conditioner.

Winters Heating & Cooling has many talented technicians who are well-versed in the maintenance of residential and commercial Air conditioners. If you are looking for a technician then Winter Heating & Cooling has got you covered.

How To Get Your Air Conditioner Ready For Summer?

Are you someone who doesn’t want the skyrocketing summer energy bills this summer? Even though the energy bills will rise for sure during the summer months, there are a few actions you can take to prevent it from happening. By preparing your AC during the summer months, you can lower your energy bills. Furthermore, you can limit the expensive system breakdowns that could happen right at the moment when you need AC the most. Proper AC maintenance can also maximize the life of your HVAC system. Let’s look into some of the tips to prepare your air-conditioner for the hot summer month.

The three main components of AC include:

  • A wall-mounted unit
  • A wall-mounted indoor unit
  • Air Ducts

Before starting the hot summer months, all these three components of AC need to be properly checked by an AC technician.

Inspecting AC Air Filters

The air filters play a significant role in properly regulating the room temperature and filtering out the dust, pollen, and other debris present within the HVAC system. The technician will check whether the AC filter is working properly or not. Depending on the air filter condition, the technician may change it if required. If the filter is clogged, it reduces the efficiency of the HVAC system. It means higher energy bills. It is one of the foremost reasons why checking the filter of an HVAC system is important. By removing the air filter, the air quality can be improved.

Inspect the Ductwork

The ductwork and the piping need to be inspected before the summer season. The HVAC technician in Lockport will carefully observe the ductwork for leaks, obstructions, debris, etc. The joints are also closely inspected by the technician.

Programmable Thermostat

Studies have suggested that programmable thermostats can help make air conditioning systems more efficient. Setback thermostats can be installed with ease and are also affordable. One of the key benefits of a programmable thermostat is that it helps the room remain at the desired temperature.

Remove debris from the exterior unit

You should at least leave two feet of clear space surrounding the HVAC system. The air can freely circulate around the HVAC unit.

Check the condensate removal system

Condensation occurs due to the flow of warm air through the cooling coil. There are various ways to remove it. The technician will check for the switches while getting the air conditioner system ready for summer.

Get in touch with the best HVAC Maintenance in Lockport, IL, to prepare your device for the hot summer months.

Why Air Conditioner Service Is A Necessity Rather Than A Choice?

All electrical appliances require periodic servicing and checkups, without which the devices could get damaged easily. It also helps the air conditioner to function at peak performance. Not everyone is aware of the need to service the air conditioner thinking that it could cost them a lot of money. However, affordable AC service and repair are available from top HVAC technicians in Lockport, IL. It is ideal to schedule the AC service before the beginning of the summer.

Evaluate the Performance of Air-Conditioner

By calling up a trained HVAC technician in Lockport, they will ensure that all the central units of the air conditioner are working correctly at the time of maintenance and servicing. They use some tools to evaluate the performance of specific components present in the air conditioner. If the technician diagnoses any problems, they will do the needful repair to ensure the device works efficiently during the summer season.

Cleaning Of Essential Parts in the Air-Conditioner

The air conditioner service begins with cleaning the essential parts within it. The accumulation of dust can cause many problems in the air conditioner. People may experience a substantial decrease in cooling. The technician will also look for leakages, if any, in the unit. If they identify any such issues, they will fix the problem and ensure such inconvenience does not happen in the future. By performing periodic cleaning, maintenance and servicing of the air conditioner, you can increase the lifespan of the device and save the additional cost you might have to incur while replacing them when they stop working.

Check for Leakages

Not performing periodic maintenance may lead to many problems in an air conditioner. Leakages may occur due to faulty ducts or drainage problems in the water. The best moment to call up an AC technician would be the winter season, in which the AC will be turned off most often. Servicing is necessary at least once a year, and you should ensure that your AC is functioning correctly by preparing it for use during the summer season. The AC that has been serviced well by a professional AC technician in Lockport will feature an increased cooling capacity. Thus you can save a lot on the monthly bill and your income which you might have to spend for AC repair if not maintained properly.

The earlier and often you call for a professional AC technician for servicing or maintenance, the less likely you have to sit in the scorching heat of the summer season waiting for the AC repair. Furthermore, the AC technician also ensures that the device is cleaned and is free of dust and bacteria. They will also check for carbon monoxide within the AC since it is a dangerous chemical. If found, they will do the needful to immediately stop it, thus making your home or business safer.

Contact your nearest professional HVAC technician in Lockport, IL, for affordable and cost-effective AC maintenance, service and repair.

How to Keep your Room Cool with Proper AC Maintenance?

Irrespective of your location, air conditioner maintenance is very much required to utilize your AC’s potential effectively. Through regular maintenance, you can prevent incurring more expenses for AC repair, and you can save a lot of money during the hot summer month. Air conditioners can also affect your respiratory health. Ignoring the proper maintenance of your AC can put you at risk of having respiratory diseases.

Once you call up an AC technician in Lockport, they will come and closely examine the filters and vents for the presence of any build-up of fungus or dirt. The presence of such dirt or fungus can affect your lungs when you breathe the cold air blown by the AC. The technician ensures the vents and filters are cleaned properly. In addition to it, the technician will also observe the freon levels. The technician will do the needful to ensure that the performance of the AC is optimized. By increasing the efficiency of AC through regular maintenance, you can save on the bills by avoiding the need for any further repair.

You can also follow some basic tips to increase the performance of your air conditioning. It is better to close the curtains during the afternoon to make the cooling process quicker. It can reduce the temperature of a room at a faster rate. Ensure that the doors and windows are sealed since the cool air can pass through the gaps or cracks. Try to turn on ceiling fans to cool off a room before turning on the AC. You can reduce the temperature of a room quickly by turning on the ceiling fan compared to turning on an AC without turning on the fan.

Even though air conditioner repair can help if any technical problem arises, you should still prefer to change the unit as a whole. You may have to pay more bills for older units of AC that are not as efficient as the new units. These checkpoints need to be considered for better utilization and maintenance of the AC. It is desirable to have a semi-annual inspection or AC maintenance to address the existing AC issues and keep your home cooler always. For any AC maintenance and repair, contact your nearest AC installation, maintenance, service, and repair provider in Lockport, IL.

Why is my AC not blowing Cold Air?

Air Conditioner in the home has become a necessity for many. No one wants to hear the news that their AC has stopped functioning properly. Not only is it uncomfortable, but also it can pose health risks to both you and your family and also pets at home. The best solution for such a scenario is to call up your nearest heating & air conditioning company in Lockport, Illinois. They are professionals who have the right expertise to fix any type of air conditioning or heating issues faced by your AC. There could be many reasons why your HVAC unit has stopped blowing cold air. Even though few of them can be resolved right away, a much-complicated problem in the AC requires expert help.

Reasons for AC not blowing cold air

Clogged Filter

It is one of the most common problems faced by customers. Whenever the filter of your AC gets clogged due to dirt, it stops blowing cold air. The clogging can occur due to the dust, pollen, hair or other smaller particles that may get accumulated within the filter over time. It thus hinders the smoother flow of air and can eventually lead to shutting off of the AC unit due to lack of sufficient air. Once the air conditioner stops working properly, it can cause variations in the inside temperature of the room. If left unrepaired, the cold air not blowing problem can slowly affect the evaporator coil as well as the condenser. Therefore routine AC cleaning is desirable and the AC technician should change the filters every three months. Replacing indoor air filters is quite easy. However, you should take assistance from an AC technician if you don’t know which filter you should make use of. 

Leaking Refrigerant

Leaking of the refrigerant could also be one of the main causes of AC not blowing cold air. The refrigerant consists of the chemical that plays a key role in putting the entire process in motion. It can be either the refrigerant is running low or the refrigerant is leaking. So if you think that a refrigerant leak is a problem for AC not blowing cold air, contact the Air Conditioner repair company at Lockport, Illinois. 

Faulty Condenser or Evaporator Coil

Even though the filters play a substantial role in maintaining the cleanliness of the coil, the coils can still undergo wear and tear over time. The evaporator coil can also face problems that occur due to constant moisture. It is desirable to get both the condenser and evaporator coil checked by an HVAC technician. 

Problem with the Thermostat

Everything starts with the thermostat. For example, the first thing you should ensure is that the thermostat settings have not been modified by you. You should keep in mind that the AC will not turn on unless and until the air temperature of the room increases above the control setting. You should set it to cool or auto by default. For example, if the thermostat has been set to heat, then the AC won’t blow cold air. Instead, it blows hot air. If it still has been set properly and the AC still does not blow cold air, then the problem could be with the thermostat. Try to replace batteries and then try again. 

Your AC not blowing cold air? Get in touch with Winters Heating & Cooling heating & air conditioning company in Lockport, Illinois